Billing System

Billing is at the core of any business. If you cannot issue invoices, you will not get paid. We have designed our billing system with a lot of flexibility. The parameters will need to be set up in this section.

General Settings

Tax lines: by default, there is one tax line to be added to invoices and it is reserved for the sales tax, but you can add as many as four tax lines to the bottom of an invoice. When you create taxes, you can determine in what line they have to be shown. You can only use one tax per line at any given time, but you can assign more than one tax per line.

To change the number of lines you will be using, edit the setting and update the number of lines, add a label to each line and click the Update button.

Invoice number length: using this setting you can determine how many digits you want to use for the invoice numbers. You can leave it at four, or increase or decrease the number as needed. Please note that once you issue an invoice you won’t be able to reduce the number of digits, but you will be able to increment it. The system will fill your invoice numbers with zeros to the left to the number of digits you selected.

Use Billing POS number: POS or Point of Sales are the different terminals or locations from where you issue invoices. Once you determine if you will use a terminal number or location number you can enable POS number. Invoices will then allow you to select what is the POS number you are billing from. The only possible values for this setting are Yes or No. Click on Edit in the actions column to change the value.

Charge late fees on overdue invoices: this setting, when enabled, will allow you to define a number of parameters that are used to calculate how to add late fees to invoices that are overdue. It is a Yes or No value as well and you can change its value by clicking on the edit icon in the actions column.

Point of Sales